
The Beauty of Biblical Femininity written by Devona Fayana


Biblical Femininity is an exquisite gift from God. It’s something truly beautiful that should be deeply treasured. Not only by us, but also by the future generations to come. In today’s world, we are seeing an increase of harsh, judgemental words toward women who have the precious call to be homemakers and stay at home mothers. Words such as ‘lazy’ or ‘unambitious’, has been often associated with homemakers and stay at home mothers, particularly within the 21st century. But my heart sees something so much more within this beautiful calling. I honour and value such women who are devoted to serving their families and taking care of the home. And I know with all of my heart, that God Himself greatly cherishes and values the work of a homemaker.

Although not every lady may be called to be a homemaker full time, I believe that biblical femininity is about surrender. There is beauty and purpose when a woman submits to the will of her Heavenly Father concerning her life. As women, we have been uniquely and beautifully created to be helpers. We are gifted to nurture, to love and to serve others for the glory of God. And that may look different for every woman. A lady who is surrendered to Christ, has the ability to thrive and flourish within her unique path. As God’s daughter, He will faithfully provide for you as He leads you into His precious calling for your life.

What is biblical femininity?

Femininity is about having an open heart. It’s embracing and receiving what the Lord gives you. Lovely examples within the bible are:

  • Eve – In Genesis 2, Eve received the gift of the husband that God had for her with an open heart.
  • Mary – In Luke 1, Mary submitted to the will of God with an open heart. In verse 38 she said ‘let it be according to your word’. She surrendered to the high and precious call of being the mother of Jesus, the Messiah.
  • Rebekah – In Genesis 24, Rebekah truly had an open heart in order for her to leave her family behind to marry Isaac. This was powerfully orchestrated by God, and she was willing and surrendered, to receive His will.
  • Anna – In Luke 2, we meet Anna the Prophetess. She was a widow, yet still used her life beautifully for the glory of God. She submitted to the will of the Lord by praying and fasting within the temple day and night (verse 37).

Whether you are single or married, our lives can be lived wonderfully to glorify our Abba Father.  We can embrace our femininity by surrendering to His will for our lives, as we serve Him and serve others with all of our hearts. As females, we are also relational beings. We were not created to live in isolation, but rather pursuing intimacy with the Lord and nurturing our relationships with others.

Beauty is also another beautiful aspect of femininity. In 1 Peter 3:3-4, Peter says, ” Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

True beauty shines from within, and becomes radiant outwardly. As we grow in the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5), we are able to illuminate beautifully towards others. To be gentle, and to be meek, is a precious thing in the sight of the Lord. We blossom in our femininity as we grow and mature within modest character.

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, (1 Corinthians 6:19). We glorify the Lord and embrace our femininity as we take care of ourselves and look after our health. Ensuring we drink enough water, do regular exercise, maintain a healthy diet, looking after our skin, and dressing ourselves beautifully (according to your unique style). This brings so much glory to the Lord. As daughters of God, we are not only called to nurture others, but we are called to nurture ourselves by taking care of the body that our Heavenly Father has given us.

To summarize, here are the following beautiful things that I admire about biblical femininity:

  • Surrender
  • Receiving
  • Beauty
  • Helping
  • Open heart
  • Nurturing
  • Relationships

My femininity is something I deeply value within my heart. And as the recent years have gone by, I have found myself flourishing in my femininity as a godly woman whilst I have grown in my journey with the Lord. I hope this post blessed you! What do you admire about biblical femininity? Let me know in the comments!

Lots of love, xxx

Written by Devona Fayana. 

For more information on Devona Fayana's books, please visit


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