
That Day, We Spoke on the Phone for Over 4 Hours! 😍 PRAYERS FOR BECOMING A FUTURE WIFE - DAY 5

We met via his brother in America. His brother happens to be the friend of an uncle and they both decided to give him my number a week before my birthday. He reached out to me on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday. One week after, he reached out again. That day, we spoke on the phone for over 4 hours! COMMENT AMEN TO PRAY WITH ME:

Lord Jesus, sometimes I feel so inadequate and unready to be a bride. I think of marriage as a vast and distant lifestyle that I’ve never before trod. I am scared of what might or might not happen. Give me faith Jesus. Help me to trust that you will work all things together for good. While I am single and waiting please train and prepare me for the challenges ahead. Help me to learn in Wisdom and Love. Give me the strength that my husband will need from me.
I know that marriage is a beautiful covenant between my future husband and You and I. Please show me areas in which I can grow before I am married. Help me to learn submission and honor, humility and grace, respect and admiration, love and selflessness. Gift me with the amount of time needed to learn each of these qualities so that I will be ready to bless my future beloved.

Thank you for your patient training Jesus. Thank you for the opportunity to fall in love with the man you have chosen to be my husband. Bless our future together as man and wife. I love you Lord! Amen.

Bride: bee__dazzled
Planner: @elposh_events
Dress: @tabsatelier
Makeup: @bimpeonakoya
Hair: @tea.styles
Photography: @tosin_josh
Videography: @theweddingtv


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